- Curiosity Call with Maggie
20 minutes
This is an initial free call where you can ask me questions and we can determine if working together will be a good fit.
Death Midwifery
- Death Midwife - Complementary Consultation
45 minutes
This initial consultation will last about 45 minutes. During our call we will get to know each other a bit and determine if this is a good fit going forward. I will be able to answer questions and learn more about your specific needs to ...
Grief Ritual & Support
- Moving Grief in The Body (Machi Yoga - sliding scale $25-$75)
3 hours @ $75.00
Reiki / Energy Healing
- Reiki Energy Healing - Intake Session
1 hour 30 minutes @ $170.00
These sessions are for folks working with me and energy healing for the first time. In these sessions we will spend time connecting about your intention(s) for energy healing, I will answer any questions you may have and then we will be ...
- Reiki Energy Healing
1 hour @ $135.00
- Reiki Energy Healing - Virtual Intake Session
1 hour 30 minutes @ $150.00
These sessions are for folks working with me and energy healing for the first time. In these sessions we will spend time connecting about your intention(s) for energy healing, I will answer any questions you may have and then we will be ...
- Reiki Energy Healing Virtual Return Client
1 hour @ $120.00
Sacred Portal Grief Tending
- Sacred Portal 1-1 Session with Maggie (Supporting Tier)
1 hour @ $155.00
This pricing tier covers the full costs of 1:1 Sessions by supporting fair wages for the facilitator and greater accessibility through the scholarship fund. Please select this tier if you are able to comfortably meet all of your basic n ...
- Sacred Portal 1-1 Session with Maggie (Supported Tier)
1 hour @ $75.00
This tier falls short of covering the costs of 1:1 Sessions. This tier (scholarship tier) may be right for you if you frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them. This may mean you are unemployed or underem ...
- Sacred Portal ~ DESCEND (6 sessions / 3 months package)
1 hour @ $775.00
Please use this to schedule your FIRST session. After this you will receive an email with a special link to schedule your remaining 5 sessions.
- Sacred Portal ~ EMERGENCE (12 sessions / 6 months mentorship)
1 hour @ $1,450.00
Please use this to schedule your FIRST session. After this you will receive an email with a special link to schedule your remaining 11 sessions.